
Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

At Cosmetic2go we consider trust and transparency essential in all types of communication with our customers. The privacy and security of your data are a priority for us.

Complying with the obligations inherent in the General Data Protection Regulation, Cosmetic2go undertakes to inform you about how your personal data is processed, ensuring that it is managed with reference to the best practices in the field of security and protection of personal data.

We use your personal data always with principles of transparency and to ensure that we provide you with the best service, being able to provide you with personalized content.

Our Privacy Policy applies to the personal data that Pedro Renato Nunes Marques, Lda. processes.

Cosmetic2go is committed to using your personal data only for the purposes communicated to you, and always in a safe and responsible manner.

Your personal data may include, for example, your name, tax identification number, contacts, transactions, and interactions with us. We collect some of your personal data when and if you make a purchase on our website.


Categories of Personal Data we may collect.

Cosmetic2go may collect the following categories of personal data:

1. Customer data - name and email - when you subscribe to our newsletter.

2. Customer identification data - full or abbreviated name, address, telephone, and email.

3. Customer data for deliveries - name, address, postal code, telephone contact, email, purchase details.


What is your Personal Data used for?

We use your personal data for the following purposes:

1. Billing Management - for issuing invoices.

2. Marketing/Direct Marketing - to inform you about news and offers that may be of interest to you.

3. Website or mobile application user management - to enable you to make online transactions.

4. Deliveries - so we can deliver your orders.

Cosmetic2go is entitled to process your data by virtue of the contract you have entered with us.

In the case of marketing communications, we will ask for your consent so that we can send you direct marketing communications of content that is of interest to you, based on your purchase history.


Data Security

We are fully committed to protecting the data entrusted to us by our customers and to ensuring the protection and security of the information provided to us. We will put in place the necessary security measures to ensure that our customers' data is not accessed or disclosed without their consent.

We apply appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data:

- Storing and transferring data securely.

- Information systems protected through controls that prevent unauthorized access to your data.

- Mechanisms in place to ensure data integrity and quality.

- Permanent monitoring of information systems, preventing and detecting misuse of your data.

- Periodic analysis to detect vulnerabilities or security breaches in information systems.


Retention of Personal Data

We only keep your data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes defined, in accordance with the criteria defined by the Regulation or the Law.

Once the maximum retention period we have defined has been reached, your personal data will be anonymized or securely deleted.


Customers' rights

  • Right to request additional information about our use of your personal data.

  • Right to request access to the personal data you have provided to us.

  • Right to request the transmission of the personal data you have provided to us.

  • Right to request the correction or update of your personal data.

  • Right to request the erasure of your personal data were permitted by law or contract.

  • Right to request that we restrict how we use your personal data.

  • You also have the right to withdraw or change, at any time, the consent you have given us to use your personal data, when it has legitimized the use of your personal data.

To exercise your personal data protection rights, or whenever you have any questions about our use of your personal data, you should contact us via email at customer@cosmetic2go.com.